What is CCMC’s Case Management Body of Knowledge (CMBOK®)?

CMBOK is an online resource tool developed by the Commission for Case Manager Certification (the Commission) for all case managers and other health care professionals across all practice settings. The Commission is a thought leader in case management and is well known for its certification examination. The Commission’s research and leadership team recognized the need for a primary resource for case managers. 100+ CEs (including 14 Ethics CEs) are included with a subscription to the CMBOK and is constantly growing! All CEs are pre-approved by CCMC, CDMS, NYSED and ANCC.


Your 12-month subscription includes 24/7 online access to:

Detailed, comprehensive knowledge across essential case management domains.
Flow charts and diagrams to illuminate the case management process.
Now includes 59 post-tests and 112 continuing education credits at no extra cost! 

Do you manage or train case managers?

Call us at 1-877-971-2262 for a group discount for five or more subscriptions.

All for just $199 retail, $149 for CCM exam applicants and $99 for CCMs

Subscribe Now!


The newest knowledge domains include three (3) sections on Workers' Compensation.  The subdomains are as follows:

Vocational Rehabilitation
Essentials of Workers' Compensation
Disability Case Management, Catastrophic Case Management, and Life Care Planning

AstraZeneca introduces the Diabetes Case Manager Toolkit which focuses on the effects, treatments, and complications of diabetes for the Case Manager, Caregiver and the Patient. Each page is useful information on lifestyle management, disease progression, and comorbidities - all specifically for diabetes.

Psychosocial Aspects of Care now includes this subdomain. Check it out!

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Very interesting and informative.  Easy to follow and understand.

– Bridgette C.